Wednesday 20 March 2013

Three-person IVF

I was unable to post yesterday as I was playing in the Roslyn Park 7s Tournament and will only be able to post briefly today as I am very busy preparing route cards etc for my D of E Expedition next week so apologises for that!

Three-person IVF features in the news this week as it has done before, in fact it was something I posted about in September 2012.

The time has come round for the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority to advise ministers and report on the public consultation they carried out looking into techniques to try and prevent serious and often fatal mitochondrial diseases.

As well as the potential moral and ethical issues surrounding the treatment that I mentioned before one potential problem is that eggs with abnormal mitochondria may have other unknown problems in their nucleus.

If you want to find out more refer to this BBC health article!

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