Monday 31 December 2012

Things to look out for in 2013

Given the time of year the BBC health page looks to year the ahead this week and I thought I would do the same. So here is a list of three things (all hyperlinked) to look out for:

1.) The report of the public enquiry into the treatments of patients at Stafford Hospital and the trust involved. Preliminary data suggest that between 2005 and 2008 four hundred patients died unnecessarily because of poor care. Even more extreme is the data suggesting that thirsty patients had to resort to drinking from vases and receptionists were left to assess patients in A&E. What will the outcome of the enquiry be, will legislation be put in place to stop such mismanagement happening again?

2.) Public health initiatives to tackle unhealthy habits, for example will banning the display of tobacco products in shops in England occur and later be followed by the introduction of plain packaging for cigarettes? Australia are the only country to have taken this step so far.

-- A minimum price for alcohol, 45p/unit? Before the decision is made campaigns are taking place to increase the suggested price to 50p/unit as agreed in Scotland already as research suggests this relatively small increase in price can save a more significant number of lives.

3.) 1st April 2013: the NHS Commissioning Board will take over the day-day running of the health service (some of their targets can be seen in a previous post) and the majority of the budget will come under the control of GPs. Although these structures have been operating in the shadows for sometime next year they will be properly introduced. Will the transition go unnoticed with small changes here and there over time or will significant changes take place immediately?

To conclude, keep your eyes peeled and Happy New Year!

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