Wednesday 8 August 2012


When looking on the Internet for music festival tickets I became side tracked and came across a campaign which well known much artists Plan B and Chris Martin are supporting. The campaign is called "The Loud Music Campaign" and one of the medical conditions it warns about/offers advice on is Tinnitus.

Tinnitus is a sound that's heard in one or both ears for which there's no external source. The sounds appears to originate within the ear and is often described as a "ringing or buzzing" sound. There is actually nothing causing the sounds, it is a misinterpretation by the brain of signals from the nerves in the ear.

Tinnitus that occurs in only one ear could be more serious as it may be caused by an acoustic neuroma. Having only read briefly about acoustic neuromas in very simple terms an acoustic neuroma is a rare tumour that grows around the auditory vestibular nerve (acoustic nerve) that connects the ear to the brain. An acoustic neuroma is benign (not cancerous), which means it does not spread to other parts of the body. However, it can damage several important nerves as it grows and consequently cause effects such as tinnitus. 

Episodes of tinnitus can be brief, for example after attending a loud music concert or permanent, for example Plan B is a permanent suffer having played many concerts over his career. Nowadays musicians use in ear filter plugs to protect their ears whilst they perform and the use of earplugs amongst spectators is something "The Loud Music Campaign" is trying to promote! 

The most common causes are regular exposure to loud noises (eg loud music or loud noise in a workplace such as drilling) and excess ear wax which can also have a negative effect. 

Avoiding exposure to loud noise and earwax build-up can help prevent tinnitus. If there is a treatable underlying cause, once this is treated the tinnitus should disappear. In addition if tinnitus does begin to occur steps must be taken to ensure it doesn't get any worse! 
Masking the noise with a background radio or a masking device (using white noise) helps to distract the person from their tinnitus. 
Here is a link to a page on The Loud Music Campaign's website where you can find more information and an example mp3 clip of what tinnitus sounds like!

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