Saturday 11 February 2012

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

Firstly if anyone is taking the EPQ or has taken it already and is reading this any advice on it would be much appreciated!

A university speaker came into school this week to talk about the EPQ and its benefits, beforehand I knew it existed but I have now learnt some very interesting information about it which I thought I would share:

- The project can be on anything you want it to be. For example titles vary hugely, some are academic say medically or history related whereas others couldn't be more different talking about harry potter and the "muggle world"

-  The EPQ is equivalent to half an A2 level, marked accordingly up to the A* grade and 70 ucas tariff points. The mark you receive is not purely based on the end result but also the work put in to get to this end result, for example the reading and referencing around your chosen subject.

- The EPQ can help in the university selection process, some universities (be sure to look them up if you're interested) hold it in such high regard that instead of receiving an offer of AAA you can receive an offer of AAB & the EPQ. This is largely because of the independent study and organisation the EPQ demands, similar to a university course.

I'm currently undecided as to whether or not I will take the EPQ, the main conflict being the choice between 3 A-levels & the EPQ or 4 A-levels. The lecture this week however has definitely got me thinking as the EPQ sounds very interesting and beneficial and could provide the opportunity to research something medically related in much greater depth.


  1. Hi Stephen,
    I'm studying for my AS levels and taking the EPQ. I chose to study the unforeseen, unintended impacts of genetic screening in the 21st century, as this is an area that I could easily write 6000 words on, and it relates easily to medicine. I think tbh you could easily study 4 A levels and EPQ. After the initial research it's surprising how quickly it all comes together, it defiantly wouldn't impact on your studying unless you let it. If I were you I'd just go for it, it's easier to drop EPQ if you decide it's too much work, than do it, realise you can easily manage it, and regret not taking another A level. I think the hardest part is choosing a topic that you can write that much on and still keep it interesting!

    Hope that helps :) let me know if you have any other questions.

  2. Heyya,

    I am taking the EPQ this year! and im doing it on stem cells and disease, it is hard work, but if you are passionate about a subject area it is defiantly worth doing :) I suggest that if you do choose to do the EPQ base it around the subject you wish to take at university, as it will help. It is something to put on your UCAS and personal statement which is helpful. It shouldn't affect your A-levels, as most of the work can be done during the holidays. And like Rosy said the hardest part is choosing the subject but I would defiantly suggest doing it :) x If you need any help feel free to message!



  3. Hey,

    Sorry for the slow reply, I've been away.. But thank you both very much for the advice and both of your titles sound very interesting and will give you lots to talk about when it comes to interview! I wish my school had offered it this year! I'm still undecided! Lots of people have told me its too much work with 4 A2 aswell and I play ALOT of sport but we'll have to see.. if only i had more time!

    Thanks, Steve

    1. I would really just go for it! You should ask your school to enter you for the October entry, then you could write it after your exams and over the summer? (EPQ runs from October to May and May to October)

  4. Hey Guys,I am new to this EPQ thing, and i wanted to know what is expected of us to do in an epq, i have decided to do it on Neurocysticercosis, the pork tapeworm disease. So i wanted to know whether they just want to us to reproduce information that is already there onn the internet and books etc or do they want something totally original.

  5. Hey.

    I decided against the EPQ in the end so I won't be much help really! Following another talk at my school I learnt that although it gives you a chance to research an area you're interested in and receive credit for it, a large proportion of the project is marked on things other than content! For example project management, use of resources and project review.. So I thought it would be better to show my interest in another way rather than focusing on one small sub topic, for example by updating this blog!

    But in answer to your real question, I would ask a teacher or whoever is assessing you! I think you have to reproduce information but also assess it and question it..


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