Friday 16 December 2011

Pre Medlink

The christmas break hasn't truly started yet, my bags are packed and tomorrow I'm off on a 5 day "medicine taster" course called Medlink.

Although tired I'm looking forward to it - the medical side of things and the chance to learn new things but also the chance to experience university life!

I'm hoping to meet other aspiring medics whom I can stay in contact with and discuss views. I'm a little bit nervous about the mock interviews which are part of the course as i've never experienced one before but we'll see how it goes.. at least its only a practice!

If by some coincidence anyone reading this has been/or is going to Medlink I would love to hear from you!


  1. Hiya, I think we must have been at Medlink at the same time! How did you find it? What group were you in? :)

  2. Hey! I found it really interesting and it was good fun at the same time don't you think? :) I was in Blue group 2 how about you? That James guy who advised us all to do a blog was hilarious!!

  3. Ah that's crazy, I was Blue group 2 too! We must have bumped into each other at some point or another! Yea I really enjoyed it, the entire experience was so fun :) I loved him! He was brilliant, so entertaining as a lecturer and I can't believe he gets so nervous beforehand! Do you have facebook or twitter? :)

  4. I know its hard to believe he gets so nervous and suffers from dyslexia seeing as he comes across as so confident and all his lectures were brilliant! I have facebook yeah but follow me/my blog on here so we can exchange medically related things haha :)

  5. I know, I couldn't believe it when he said! He has such an inspirational background, got so much love for that man! Oh woops thought I was already following you haha, I don't really get the set up of this website ahah. Did you go to any of the extra courses? I really wanted to go to the pathology but we still had school!

  6. Haha, it took me a while to figure it out! On the dashboard you have to scroll down and press "add" then copy my url in - and that should do the trick! :)

  7. I did pathology! It was more subject based than the other lectures, not much advice on how to get into med school etc.. The most interesting lecture for me was forensic pathology but that may have been because of the "glamour" which surrounds it! The lecturer described various gruesome case studies

  8. ahh gotcha! :) I really wish I'd done it! I love the idea of everything to do with forensic science but I think it's mainly because of all the hype surrounding it on tv haha, wish I'd had the opportunity to hear about it first hand :) You doing the Medsim in summer?

  9. heyya! i also went to medlink, and did the pathology, how did you find it? I did pathology and thought it was really interesting, however the lectures went on for ages! are any of you doing Medsim?

  10. I really want to do Medsim but i don't know whether i'll have the time with exams and the ability to get off school! Have you booked on already?

  11. School for us finishes at the end of June so I'll just need to check it doesn't clash with my dancing exams and then hopefully book it! Have you guys been using the Medlink forum?
